TPEs  (Teacher Performance Expectations)

From the California Department of Education website:

The Teaching Performance Expectations describe the set of knowledge, skills, and abilities that California expects of each candidate for a Multiple or Single Subject Teaching Credential. Candidates must demonstrate that they meet the Teaching Performance Expectations through successful completion of the Teaching Performance Assessment. 

The TPEs are broken down into six key areas, each with specific skills:

A.  Making subject matter comprehensible to students
B.  Assessing student learning
C.  Engaging and supporting students in learning
D.  Planning instruction and designing learning experiences for students
E.  Creating and maintaining effective environments for student learning

The Formative Assessment of Intern Teaching is used to evaluate interns on their progress in each of these key areas.  It has descriptions that highlight the key skills for each area.  

For more detailed descriptions and subject matter descriptions, visit the CDE's website or download their version here.